Rubus idaeus L.
Brand: Ural
Packaged:12 s.
Ex Tax: 3.95€
Red remontant raspberry "Joan Jay".
A variety with early ripening and long fruiting, which begins in July and continues to please until mid-October. Plants with small, up to 1 m bushes. With thick, elastic shoots. There are no thorns. Each plant has from 60 to 80 large berries, weighing from 6 to 8 g. The berries are rich red, with a sweet and sour dessert taste. The pulp is tender and aromatic. The berries contain up to 11.5% sugar, organic acids, tannins, flavonoids, microelements, vitamins C, B1, B2 and PP.
Infusions of flowers, berries and raspberry leaves improve the function of the intestines and stomach and have an antiseptic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Raspberries are consumed fresh, jams, jams, tinctures and liqueurs are prepared from them, dried, and frozen.
Before sowing, seeds are stratified in damp sand, at a temperature of +2°C, for 3-4 months, moistening the substrate from time to time. In spring, seeds along with sand are sown in beds or boxes to a depth of 0.5 cm. A mixture of peat and well-fertilized garden soil (1:1) is used as a substrate. Shoots appear unevenly. Seedlings dive at the stage of 2 true leaves to a permanent place. Young plants are fed 5-6 times per season with complex fertilizer. For the winter, plants can be covered or ensure that there is sufficient snow cover at the planting site. Fruiting occurs in the second year.

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